sábado, 4 de junio de 2016

#fmdx : PI Code: A0A2


Sorry the link in my first message was wrong.

Here is the link:


A0A2 ---- E0CD ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:36.96
A0A2 ---- ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:37.04
---- ---- E0CD ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:37.12
---- ---- ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:37.21
---- ---- ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:37.29
---- ---- ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:37.37
A0A2 ---- ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:37.46
---- ---- ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:37.54
---- ---- ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:37.63
---- 0155 ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:37.71
---- ---- ---- 4552 @2016/06/02 18:32:37.79
---- ---- ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:37.87
---- ---- ---- 5448 @2016/06/02 18:32:37.96
---- 0155 ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:38.04
---- ---- ---- 4552 @2016/06/02 18:32:38.13
---- ---- E0CD ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:38.21
---- ---- ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:38.30
---- ---- ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:38.37
---- ---- ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:38.46
---- ---- ---- 464D @2016/06/02 18:32:38.54
---- ---- ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:38.64
---- ---- ---- ---- @2016/06/02 18:32:38.73

73's de William Kitching. {G4FBZ}
Located in Telford, Shropshire. U.K. [IO82SQ].
52° North, 2° West.

5 ele horiz, 5 ele vert, 3 ele horiz and a Halo.
Sony ST-SB920 tuners.
Software: RDS SPY 1.02 rev6



Enviado por: "William F. Kitching" <band2dx@gmail.com>
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